Simple Definition of Digital Marketing and Traditional Marketing – Aman Sharma


First of all we should know that what is Marketing?
In simple terms the definition of marketing is selling and promotion of any thing or any service. 

Every person selling any product or promoting any product is a Marketer.
Example: If you go to a phone market. Every person who are selling phone’s part or mobile or any product is a Marketer and what they do is called Marketing.

Simple Definition of Digital Marketing
Definition of Digital Marketing and Traditional Marketing

Types of Marketing

1. Traditional Marketing.
2. Digital Marketing.

Traditional Marketing:-

If we sell our product or our service without using digital platforms then this marketing known as Traditional Marketing.
Example: Newspaper, pamphlets, billboards and print advertisements etc.

Digital Marketing:-

If you are selling or promoting your product or your services digitally


If you are selling or promoting your product or your services by using digital platforms.
then it is known as digital marketing
Example: Google, Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter etc.

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